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오민정(석사과정), 신규진(박사과정) 학생이 제 1저자로 참여하고,

현대자동차와 산학연구한 논문

"New insight into dispersion stability of IrOx catalyst slurry for polymer electrolyte membrane water electrolysis through real-time comprehensive multiwavelength optical analysis"이 J. Environ.Chem.Eng. 저널

[ I.F.=7.7, JCR 분야 상위 10.9% ] 에 개재승인되었습니다.

Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
[I.F. = 7.7]에 논문 채택! 


​- Graphical abstract -

Department of Chemical Engineering, Soongsil University

369, Sangdo-Ro, Dongjak-Gu, Seoul 06978, Korea 


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